Wednesday, June 24, 2015

One Pot Pasta

Every time I ask the kids, "what do you guys want for dinner." They always say, "that one pot pasta!" It never fails. Tell you the truth I got sick of it and told them that it was off the menu for awhile! Yeah, I have that kind of power ! :) ha! 
So, it's Sophia's birthday today. Sweet Sixteen! And I ask her what she wants for her birthday dinner since they all were staying the night ...of course, she says "one pot pasta!" 
Now, this is pretty much a straight up vegetarian meal but we always throw some protein on the side. Always! Usually chicken is the easiest thing to grab and the easiest on your pocket. But tonight...oh tonight, it's a special night. We have a fresh market here in Omaha that's TO DIE FOR! They get things flown in straight off the gulf, DAILY. YUM. So we decided to splurge a little and get some sea scallops AND fresh shrimp. My eyes perked up quickly when my husband mentioned going there today. Not argument here. Unfortunately, no pictures were taken of either due to the fact that everyone was starving and I'm feeding a tired, hungry 11 month old in her high chair. I soooooo wish I had a third hand!!!! So you'll have to just trust me on this one. First time cooking scallops too. Dang it !!!!! 
Anyways, this meal is always always always a HIT! And it's so easy. It's up to you what you want to put on the side....if you want to put anything at all. could be a large salad with your favorite toppings and dressings to fresh shrimp and scallops like I did tonight. Or how about a fresh hot loaf of sourdough ... Ahhhhhh. It's endless. 
Without further or do...the easiest recipe in the world ! 
Combine all of the ingredients above. To be clear...there's a pound and a half of linguine, 1 cup of cherry tomatoes, 1 sweet onion thinly sliced, 3 cloves of garlic thinly sliced, fresh basil, 1/2 tsp of red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper and a good glug of olive oil. :) 
Fill your pot with water just so that all the ingredients are covered. Turn burner on high, and boil for 8 minutes or until most of the liquid has been absorbed. Remove from heat and serve immediately in your favorite bowl. Sprinkle with Parmesan and more basil if you desire. My favorite part about this recipe is you're a tomato lover is that these little tomatoes burst and their precious little juices become one with binding of this pasta. It's seriously flavorful to say the least. Dont be afraid of the salt and pepper either in this dish. It needs it. 
I really have to thank Martha Stewart for this recipe. It's pretty genius. And considered a staple in this family now.